Libardo: What is a longboard?
Harlinson: We could say in a very simple definition, a longboard is a skateboard longer than usual. But we should not stay with the simple definition, but we must understand the longboard as a street culture, or another way of understanding urban sport skateboarding.
Libardo: Angie, where was longboard born?
Angie: The longboard was born in Oahu, Hawaii, during the fifties.
Libardo: Why longboard was born?
Harlinson: For the Surfer groups, bored on days without waves, flooded the streets with their gadgets, put wheels on the longboards and took to the streets.
Libardo: Longboarding is similar to skateboarding. What’s the fundamental difference?
Angie: If they have similarities but Long boards are a bit faster and smoother to ride so are primarily used only as transportation, but they can also are used in slalom skating
Libardo: Is longboarding is an activity only for men or for women too?
Harlinson: Initially men, but some time in Spain began to practice the sports and today there is longboarding for girls, called LONGBOARD GIRL.
Libardo: What protection should be used to practice the longboard?
Angie: You must wear a helmet for the head, shin guards, gloves and elbow pads. It would be very dangerous not to use this type of protection.
Libardo: Harlinson, why is it good for people to practice longboard?
Harlinson: They experience feelings of high speed when descending steep roads, adrenaline rush, shared with friends having a good time with them. It's good for those who like the danger and speed.
Libardo: Do many accidents occur in this sport?
Angie: Well yes and because is this there is the need for protection and the need to practice it on roads where there are no cars or low traffic flow.
Libardo: You have ever practiced this sport?
Harlinson: I don't, I think it's very dangerous.
Life may be endangered.
Libardo: Could you tell us wich are the parts of longboard?
Angie: Trucks are the metal turning mechanism that attach the longboard wheels to the deck. The parts of trucks are:
1. The axis, connecting the two wheels.
2. The base of the shaft on the pivot shaft. It is attached it to the board.
3. The bushings are two tires that help the shaft back to its original position.
4. The washers, also two, keep the bushings in place.
5. The kingpin is the bolt that attaches the whole. Assembly together.
Also the longboard should be between 84 and 150 cm long. And the tires are made of special rubber that absorbs shock
Libardo: Well colleagues, now let's see if you remember the parts of the board.
Please say every part of the trucks longboard: